
Career Forge” Solutions for Tomorrow

Sin­ce 1969 Thom has trai­ned young peop­le in metal craft­s­manship. In 1999 we were awar­ded a cer­ti­fi­ca­te for out­stan­ding appren­ti­ce trai­ning from the Cham­ber of Crafts in Lüneburg‐Stade. Appren­ti­ce­ships are the way to the future for us and for our appren­ti­ces. The Thom trai­ning con­cept has pro­ven its­elf; for the fifth time in seven years one of our appren­ti­ces finis­hed as guild best! We are proud of this. We want to con­ti­nue on this path of suc­cess with our future appren­ti­ces.Azubi_2018

By the way: we appre­cia­te that more and more women work in men’s pro­fes­si­ons”.Con­se­quent­ly we have estab­lished con­di­ti­ons in our future work­shop that allow to train fema­le trai­nees, too. Inte­rested aspi­rants should not hesi­ta­te to con­tact us – cheer up!

As August 1, every year we will be loo­king for several appren­ti­ces (m/w) who are dedi­ca­ted, mecha­ni­cal­ly incli­ned, team workers and ambi­tious in the fol­lo­wing fields:

In order to get to know the­se pro­fes­si­ons more pre­cise­ly you can inform yours­elf on the inter­net. Plea­se click on the job tit­les above or on the fol­lo­wing links:

If you have finis­hed high­school with good gra­des and are inte­rested in metal craft­s­manship, we need to meet. Your app­li­ca­ti­on should con­tain a covering let­ter, a per­so­nal data sheet with pho­to, the last two school reports and – if avail­ab­le – internship cer­ti­fi­ca­tes.

Plea­se send your app­li­ca­ti­on to:

Thom Metall‐ und Maschi­nen­bau GmbH
Human Resour­ces
Justus‐von‐Liebig‐Str. 2
27283 Ver­den
or via e‐mail to: bewerbung[at]