The Filler

Filler FC‐2‐BP

The Fil­ler FC‐2 is an auto­ma­tic sys­tem to fill and clo­se pre­fa­bri­ca­ted pou­ches and canis­ters through a spout.  At the moment, the Fil­ler hast two fil­ling points, howe­ver, it is pos­si­ble to extent it up to four fil­ling points.  The maxi­mum cycle capa­ci­ty depends on the fil­ling amount, the fil­ling ope­ning of the con­tai­ner, the fil­ling beha­viour of the pro­duct to be fil­led, and the vis­co­si­ty of the pro­duct as well.  In order to pro­vi­de a pouch infeed to the machi­ne it is necessa­ry to ope­ra­te a pouch gui­ding mecha­nism.  Various para­me­ters can be set via a Sie­mens KTP 1000 Operating/Touch Panel.  Caps infeed to the cap dis­pen­ser tongue is effec­ted by an ele­va­tor.  The pro­duct to be fil­led is deli­ve­r­ed to the servo‐controlled dosing pump via an open pro­duct tank.  Fil­led containers/pouches are dischar­ged on a dischar­ge belt.




Tech­ni­cal Data:


Length: approx. 4.8 meter/width: approx. 1.2 meter

Height: approx. 2,500 mm

Weight: approx. 3 tons

Air con­sump­ti­on: approx. 15 litres/cycle at 6 bar

Elec­tri­ci­ty: 400 Volt/50 Hertz, 24 Volt con­trol vol­ta­ge

Noi­se level: > 78 dBA

Safe­ty of machine­ry: acc. to EC Direc­tive 2006/42/EC

Equip­ment of machine­ry: acc. to EN 60204–1


For more infor­ma­ti­on about the Fil­ler FC‐2 plea­se refer to:

Tele­fon +49 4231 9646 0
Fax +49 4231 9646 26