
The Beginning – The Development

Janu­a­ry 3, 1968, the Foun­ding: Mas­ter metal­wor­ker, Her­bert Thom, starts his own busi­ness in an old blacks­mith shop in Kirch­lin­teln in the Coun­ty of Ver­den. He per­forms metal­work and repairs of all kinds. His wife Eri­ka Thom takes over the office work in 1969. The first appren­ti­ce is hired.

1972 New Hori­zons: Work in mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring begins and a fore­men is hired. The deve­lop­ment of special‐purpose machi­nes for the food pro­ces­sing indus­try begins. The staff con­ti­nues to grow. The site in Kirch­lin­teln can no lon­ger hand­le the ever‐growing space requi­re­ments.

1977 Growth Begins: Move to the new faci­li­ty at Heinrich‐Hertz‐Straße 4 in Ver­den. 1982 com­pa­ny con­ver­si­on: The Her­bert Thom pri­va­te com­pa­ny beco­mes the cor­po­ra­ti­on Her­bert Thom GmbH.

1984 Expan­si­on and Exten­si­on: Ope­ning of a second fac­to­ry buil­ding and the new office and soci­al wing. The mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring now has pre­cisi­on machi­nes for metal pro­ces­sing with CNC lathes and mil­ling machi­nes and a CNC machi­ning cen­ter. The main­ten­an­ce work is a part of the over­all ser­vice ran­ge for the food indus­try.

1996 THOM Con­ti­nues to Expand: The neigh­bo­ring pro­per­ty is acqui­red and ano­t­her fac­to­ry buil­ding is erec­ted.

1997 THOM Expands his Pro­duct Ran­ge: The com­pa­ny name is now Thom Metall– und Maschi­nen­bau GmbH.

1998 Qua­li­ty in Sight: Qua­li­ty manage­ment sys­tem cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on accord­ing to DIN EN ISO 9001. In 2002, the cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on as a spe­cia­list wel­ding com­pa­ny fol­lo­wed.

2001 Chan­ge of Genera­ti­ons: Tors­ten Thom, gra­dua­te engi­neer. (FH), cer­ti­fied indus­tri­al engi­neer, son of Eri­ka and Her­bert Thom, takes over the manage­ment of the com­pa­ny in the second genera­ti­on. Com­pa­ny foun­der Her­bert Thom and his wife Eri­ka Thom reti­re form the active busi­ness on Octo­ber 1, 1999. Wal­ter Ohrn­ber­ger (gra­dua­te eco­no­mist.) was a tran­si­tio­nal mana­ger of the com­pa­ny.

1974: Foun­ded by Ste­fan Schmied­bau­er in Wes­ten / Coun­ty of Ver­den. 1990: Remo­val to Ver­den into the new­ly con­struc­ted com­pa­ny buil­ding loca­ted at Justus‐von‐Liebig‐Straße 2. 1997: Exten­si­on of the fac­to­ry buil­ding and cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of the qua­li­ty manage­ment sys­tem accord­ing to DIN ENISO 9001. 1997: Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on as a spe­cia­li­zed wel­ding com­pa­ny in 2000.
Tors­ten Thom acqui­res sha­res of Schmied­bauer Stahl– und Metall­bau GmbH, at Justus‐von‐Liebig‐Straße 2 in Ver­den.

2005 Com­ple­ti­on: The mecha­tro­nics depart­ment is estab­lished. THOM beco­mes a com­ple­te sup­plier of machi­nes and sys­tems and main­ten­an­ce.

2006 Mer­ging: The Schmied­bauer Stahl– und Metall­bau GmbH ope­ra­tio­nal busi­ness mer­ges with Thom Metall– und Maschi­nen­bau Gmbh. Thom Metall– und Maschi­nen­bau GmbH moves its com­pa­ny seat to Justus‐von‐Liebig‐Straße in Ver­den. The­re are 90 employees at this loca­ti­on.

2008 Con­so­li­da­ti­on: After the mer­ger the gra­du­al con­so­li­da­ti­on of the ope­ra­ti­ons at Justus‐von‐Liebig‐Straße begins. A new fac­to­ry buil­ding is erec­ted, in which the struc­tu­ral and metal­works capa­ci­ties are con­cen­tra­ted. The admi­nis­tra­ti­on is also cen­tra­li­zed at Justus‐von‐Liebig‐Straße.

2010 Pro­duct and Orga­ni­za­tio­nal Deve­lop­ment: THOM expands its pro­duct ran­ge to inclu­de machi­nes deve­lo­ped for the free mar­ket. In addi­ti­on to cus­to­mi­zed spe­cial designs, vari­ants and stan­dard pro­duc­ts for the con­veyor tech­no­lo­gy sec­tor (sin­gle and multi‐line loa­ders) and fle­xi­ble packa­ging (Spout Inser­ter and Pouch Fil­ler) are now avail­ab­le. THOM now offers a very wide ran­ge of pro­duc­ts and initia­tes a divi­sio­nal struc­tu­re. Four indi­vi­dual­ly focu­sed busi­ness area are deve­lo­ped, which ope­ra­te in their mar­kets: Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring, sys­tem engi­nee­ring, parts pro­duc­tion and struc­tu­ral and metal­works. With the estab­lish­ment of the Future Work­shop, Thom set the pro­fes­sio­nal foun­da­ti­on for the trai­ning of young skil­led workers.

2012: Sale of the old com­pa­ny loca­ti­on on Heinrich‐Hertz‐Straße and the erec­tion of a new buil­ding on Justus‐von‐Liebig‐Straße. After its com­ple­ti­on, the remai­ning employees move to the new loca­ti­on. The mer­ger is now com­ple­te. Thom now has 110 employees on Justus‐von‐Liebig‐Straße in Ver­den.

2014 Moder­ni­za­ti­on of Cut­ting and Chip Remo­val: THOM invests in various modern CNC Machi­ne Tools for Lathe Work and Mil­ling, in order to fur­ther increa­se the effi­ci­en­cy and pro­duc­tive capa­ci­ty of Cut­ting and Chip Remo­val. This is not only for the bene­fit of THOM’s own pro­jec­ts in Mecha­ni­cal and Sys­tem Engi­nee­ring, but also of custo­mers from the Com­pon­ents / Parts Manu­fac­tu­ring Sec­tor, for which THOM is acting as exten­ded work bench“.

2015 Con­stant High Qua­li­ty in all fieldsIn Addi­ti­on to the regu­lar­ly rene­wed Cer­ti­fi­ca­tes for our Qua­li­ty Manage­ment Sys­tem accord­ing to DIN EN ISO 9001, THOM has been awar­ded fur­ther qua­li­ty cer­ti­fi­ca­tes, such as:-

- Qua­li­ty Seal Sicher mit Sys­tem“ (Safe with Sys­tem) for exem­pla­ry Safe­ty at Work

- Cer­ti­fi­ca­te accord­ing to DIN EN 1090 (EXC2) for the pro­duc­tion of steel struc­tures in Buil­ding Con­struc­tion, con­forming to given stan­dards

- Cer­ti­fi­ca­te accord­ing to DIN EN ISO 3834–2 for the ful­filment of exten­si­ve Wel­ding Qua­li­ty Requi­re­ments.

One year later, THOM is again awar­ded the Cer­ti­fi­ca­te for Out­stan­ding Per­for­mance in Voca­tio­nal Trai­ning by the Braunschweig‐Lüneburg‐Stade Cham­ber of Han­di­c­rafts.

2017 Con­struc­tion of Work­shop Hall: Due to a con­stant level of inco­m­ing orders in Mecha­ni­cal and Sys­tem Engi­nee­ring, a new addi­tio­nal Final Assem­bly Hall“ is con­struc­ted.

herbert-thom25/04/2019 Her­bert Thom dies sud­den­ly and unex­pec­ted. The Foun­der of the Com­pa­ny and, even as reti­red per­son, he always lis­tened readi­ly to the com­pa­ny and his employees. His death was and will remain a grieveous loss.

Life is fini­te – but remem­bran­ce is infi­ni­te.“

2020 Coro­na: Despi­te of the Pan­de­mic, the Com­pa­ny and its Employees stay firm­ly tog­e­ther. Based upon the joint ela­bo­ra­ti­on and rea­li­za­ti­on of various mea­su­res, the chal­len­ge can be suc­cess­ful­ly mana­ged.

August 2023 take­over: The IBV Group has taken over the com­pa­ny and will con­ti­nue to run it in the usu­al form. In addi­ti­on to the pro­duct port­fo­lio of Thom, we have expe­ri­ence, espe­ci­al­ly in the field of packa­ging machi­nes, through our fur­ther par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the com­pa­ny Affeldt Maschi­nen­bau GmbH, which we will use.